A comprehensive plan to improve Sarnia's downtown, Mitton Village and Northgate neighbourhoods has been presented to city council.
Converting streets with low traffic into shared spaces for people to gather and evaluating city-owned parking lots and public open spaces for redevelopment potential are recommended downtown.
Councillor Margaret Bird expected more.
"I'm really disappointed, because, there's this great plan to fill in all possible gaps along Front Street with more buildings and development, taking away the view of our best asset, the water," said Bird.
She had also hoped to see places for boutiques, or small shops, added along the waterfront.
"You can have music shops, you can have coffee shops, you can have all kinds of things along there, so I was very disappointed to see no suggestions on further retail development that is a sightseeing opportunity and not just filling in all the gaps."
Bird said improvements proposed for Mitton Village, including a stronger street presence in front of the Farmers Market on Ontario Street and developing an event space in the parking lot to the north of five-corners, had great potential.
"It's easy to enhance and build on something that's already there, without removing anything that people still want or need," said Councillor Bird. "I think this is really a redevelopment, improvement and expansion of Mitton Village and the farmers market could be a wonderful eclectic artsy mix of retail, fresh produce, street artists, musicians, restaurants etc."
Mixed-use buildings with retail at ground level, residential above and parking within the structures, are recommended for the Northgate area along Exmouth Street, from Indian Road to just west of Colborne Road.
Private-sector incentives are recommended for all three neighbourhoods, to encourage the redevelopment of vacant or underdeveloped properties, create more affordable housing and spruce up buildings.
Councillor Brian White felt consultants represented the community well.
"Your vision and experience from other communities really, really, plays into the opportunities," said White. "Not only what you heard from our community members, but from your experience, as you see what could be in our own community."
White said he hopes the recommendations are taken seriously to encourage investment.
"We have to build up from the inside and then project outwards, so, when people do visit here, they see beautiful streetscapes, they see modern street design, they see a walkable community, they see businesses thriving."
A public meeting on the plan is scheduled for November 23.
Community Services General Manager Stacey Forfar said staff will provide council with a final community improvement plan on December 7.