St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia. November 27, 2018. (Photo by Colin Gowdy, BlackburnNews)St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia. November 27, 2018. (Photo by Colin Gowdy, BlackburnNews)

COVID case confirmed at St. Patrick's High School

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board is reporting its first COVID-19 case in a Lambton school.

The board's website shows one confirmed student case at St. Patrick's High School in Sarnia.

Communications and Community Relations Supervisor Todd Lozon said 31 students and one staff member were immediately isolated and sent home Tuesday.

He told in an email that they were all part of a single cohort in the previous quadmester.

The second quadmester began Tuesday, and Lozon said the confirmed case student has not been at school since last week.

The board notified parents/guardians and staff in a letter Tuesday.

The Lambton Kent District School Board is still reporting one case at Port Lambton's Riverview Central School.

Lambton Public Health reported Tuesday morning that the number of active COVID cases in Sarnia-Lambton has dropped to eight.

Of the 387 confirmed infections, there was one more resolved case for a total of 354, and the number of deaths remains at 25.

There are no outbreaks currently in long-term care homes, and Bluewater Health is still reporting one positive patient in hospital.

-With files from Melanie Irwin

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