St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia. November 27, 2018. (Photo by Colin Gowdy, BlackburnNews)St. Patrick's Catholic High School in Sarnia. November 27, 2018. (Photo by Colin Gowdy, BlackburnNews)

UPDATE: Three COVID cases now confirmed in students at St. Pat's

There are now three confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Sarnia's St. Patrick's High School.

The St. Clair Catholic District School Board updated its COVID-19 advisory page Friday to say an initial case reported Tuesday has grown to three cases, all involving students.

Three classes are closed but the school remains open.

Lambton Public Health reported another spike of five new cases Friday.

The confirmed case count has increased to 397, recoveries remain unchanged at 357, and there are still 25 deaths, putting the number of active cases at 15 now.

The health unit is still reporting no outbreaks and Bluewater Health still has just one positive patient in hospital.

Five new cases were also reported Wednesday, the highest single-day increase since October 15.

Sarnia-Lambton is still at the lowest "green" standard measures level in the province's colour-coded response framework.

-With files from Stephanie Chaves

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Sarnia City Hall. October, 2023 Blackburn Media photo by Melanie Irwin

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