Three more COVID-19 deaths have been recorded in Sarnia-Lambton.
Lambton Public Health said Thursday that the death toll since the start of the pandemic is now at 41. Three individuals died Wednesday, two were in the 80-plus age range and died in hospital while the other was in the 90-plus age range.
The health unit website, as of Thursday, showed one additional death at both Village on the St. Clair Retirement Home and at Vision Rest Home. There are now four deaths at Village on the St. Clair in an outbreak declared December 30 that involves 28 residents and 14 staff. Vision Retirement Home has three deaths now with 32 residents and 16 staff infected and has been in outbreak since January 13. There has been one death, and 18 residents and five staff having tested positive in an outbreak declared January 8 at Twin Lakes Terrace.
There were four more confirmed cases of the virus over the past 24 hours for a total of 1,852. The number of resolved cases went up seven to 1,756, lowering the active case count to 55 from 61 on Wednesday.
Workplace and institutional outbreaks dropped to six from seven.
Bluewater Health reported eight positive patients in hospital Thursday, up from six Wednesday, with two in intensive care. Communications Chief Julia Oosterman said they have had four COVID-related admissions from long-term care settings in the last two days.