Bluewater Health hospital in Sarnia. 9 September 2020. ( photo by Colin Gowdy)Bluewater Health hospital in Sarnia. 9 September 2020. ( photo by Colin Gowdy)

Sarnia hospital reports another COVID-related death

Bluewater Health is reporting its ninth COVID-related death in two weeks.

Communications Chief Julia Oosterman said the latest fatality was a Lambton county man in his 80s who passed away Friday.

The Sarnia hospital has now seen a total of 48 deaths linked to the virus over the course of the pandemic.  The site currently has nine COVID-positive patients in hospital, down two over the past 24 hours.

Lambton Public Health reported 10 new confirmed cases Saturday morning, bringing the total caseload to 3,451.

The number of resolved cases is up 14 from Friday's report to 3,325.  The number of active cases is down four and now sits at 67.

Active outbreaks remain at three.  The health unit is still reporting 59 COVID-related deaths, unchanged from Friday.

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