Bluewater Power is looking for customer feedback.
Over the next couple of weeks, a third party survey firm will be contacting residential and commercial customers by phone.
Bluewater Power President and CEO Janice McMichael Dennis said it's an annual initiative.
"One will be on safety and then we'll alternate the next year, and it will be on customer service," said McMichael Dennis.
She said the questionnaire allows the company to see what is working, what needs work and how customers feel overall.
"So we'll ask customers how they rate their interactions with us, the reliability, any type of customer service issue. We'll also ask about social media. We have a great response on social media program, we'll ask how they feel about that, how they feel about the e-billing options, our MyAccount options."
She said customers will not be asked for any personal or account information, and if you are, hang up.
"So there will be about 400 customers contacted," said McMichael Dennis. "Important to remember we will never ask for banking information, we'll never ask for your account number. When someone is contacting you, they have that. But, it's mostly to hear what our customers have to say, because their input is important to us and we want to take that and be better."
Ontario Power Generation requires a customer satisfaction survey for all utilities every two years.
For more information you can call Bluewater Power or visit their website.