Bluewater Health Foundation shows off its 2018 fully "VisitAble" dream home. (Left to right) Foundation Board Member Dan Edwards, Executive Director Kathy Alexander, Special Events Coordinator Johanne Tomkins and Marketing and Fund Development Coodinator Adelle Stewardson. August 8, 2017 (Photo by Melanie Irwin)Bluewater Health Foundation shows off its 2018 fully "VisitAble" dream home. (Left to right) Foundation Board Member Dan Edwards, Executive Director Kathy Alexander, Special Events Coordinator Johanne Tomkins and Marketing and Fund Development Coodinator Adelle Stewardson. August 8, 2017 (Photo by Melanie Irwin)

Dream Home Tickets On Sale Now

People lined up early Monday morning to be the fist to purchase a ticket for the 2018 Bluewater Health Foundation Dream Home Lottery.

Foundation Executive Director Kathy Alexander says there's 8,500 tickets available for the February 23 draw.

"This is a very community driven lottery, we say that each and every year but we can't do it without the generous support of Sarnia-Lambton because they're the ones that buy the bulk of our tickets," says Alexander. "We do have some people that buy from out of the community but I think the nice connection is that they know that if they win that's wonderful, but if they don't, the cause truly is close to home and the hospital in their community."

Funds raised will support Bluewater Health's new CT scanner.

This year's home is in Camlachie at 3866 Arie Crt. The dream home offers a fully accessible main floor and comes completely furnished and decorated.

Tickets are $100 and are available at the foundation office, at CEEH in Petrolia, area credit unions and banks, and Shoppers Drug Mart locations.

Alexander says the first open house will be held Saturday, October 7 with an official ribbon cutting ceremony at 10am. Open houses will run every Saturday and Sunday from 1 to 4pm until February 18, 2018.

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