Commercial truck file photo. Via pixabay Commercial truck file photo. Via pixabay

OPP lay over 8,100 charges during Operation Safe Driver Week

Unsafe actions and behaviours resulted in more than 8,100 traffic charges laid by Ontario Provincial Police as they stepped up enforcement during Operation Safe Driver Week.

That was from July 7 to July 14.

During enforcement, the OPP charged commercial drivers with over 1,000 Highway Traffic Act offences, including speeding, following too closely, unsecured loads, and defective vehicle equipment.

The rest of the charges were against drivers behind the wheel of a personal vehicle.

"The broad scope of offences underscores the multiple risks posed by drivers who do not share the road safely in and around large commercial vehicles," said the OPP. "Motorists are reminded that the vast majority of collisions can be prevented if every driver commits to sharing the roads safely throughout the year."

At the beginning of July, the OPP responded to more than 4,000 collisions involving commercial vehicles on the roads they patrol. Close to 500 resulted in injuries or fatalities.

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