Pathways Health Centre for Children is inviting the community to celebrate with a musical production.
This year is the organization's 50th anniversary.
"Celebrate" is a joint effort between Pathways Therapeutic Recreation Staff and Creative Director Jen Brown Nead.
CEO Alison Morrison said the show is through the Expressive Arts program.
"It is truly a celebration of children and youth who have been working very hard at putting together the performance since earlier this fall in order to showcase their talents and also 50 years of service," she said.
The show is aimed to highlight the power of creativity and celebrate all abilities, inclusion and participation.
Morrison said Pathways started hosting a show during their 40th anniversary.
"It was a fitting way to have the young people of Pathways Health Centre for Children showcase their expressive arts talents as we tell the stories through song, through dance and listen to the young people as they demonstrate their talents through expressive arts," she said.
There are 18 participants who have been working with the Creative Director Jen Brown Nead.
Tickets are $30 for adults, $18 for students and $26 for seniors and can be purchased on The Imperial Theatre's website.
"Celebrate really is about honouring the abilities, all abilities and inclusions. We're very excited to be welcoming the community to see what these young people have put together," Morrison said.
The show will be held on Friday, April 11 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, April 12 at 2 p.m. at The Imperial Theatre.