Police radar gun. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Ottawa_PhotoPolice radar gun. © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Ottawa_Photo

Alleged impaired driver caught doing nearly double the speed limit

An alleged drunk driver was pulled off the road by Lambton OPP Friday.

An OPP officer conducting traffic enforcement in Dawn-Euphemia spotted a speeding vehicle at around 4:30 p.m.

Police said the vehicle was travelling in excess of 160 kilometres an hour in a posted 90 km/h zone.

A traffic stop was initiated on Bentpath Line east of Oil Heritage Road.

The driver, a 25-year-old Point Edward resident, is charged with failure or refusal to comply with demand, operation while impaired, and stunt driving.

They were released from custody with a scheduled court date in April.

OPP are reminding people if you spot a driver you suspect may be impaired, call the OPP at 1-888-310-1122 or *OPP (677) on your mobile phone.

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