London police headquarters on Dundas St. file photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn NewsLondon police headquarters on Dundas St. file photo by Miranda Chant, Blackburn News

London man charged with child pornography offences

A London man is facing charges after a monthslong child pornography investigation.

The National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children contacted London police about an ongoing investigation involving a man in the city in late July.

Following further investigation, officers with the internet child exploitation (ICE) unit searched a home on Wilkins Street last Thursday. Electronic devices were seized from the home.

"Evidence of suspected child pornography was located on the devices," police said in a statement released on Tuesday.

A 37-year-old London man has been charged with possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography, and importing, selling, distributing child pornography. The accused is scheduled to appear in court in relation to the charges on October 24.

The investigation is ongoing, police said.

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