Sarnia's Canatara Park Beach and lifeguard. June 25, 2014 (Photo by Melanie Irwin)Sarnia's Canatara Park Beach and lifeguard. June 25, 2014 (Photo by Melanie Irwin)

City of Sarnia hiring students for the summer

You have until the end of this weekend to polish up your resume and send it to the city if you're a student in need of a summer job.

The city is hiring about 100 students for 25 different positions, in a variety of divisions.

Human Resources Manager Jim Crawford said the jobs tend to be in two categories.

"We have developmental positions, which include lifeguards, day camp, we usually have three or four engineering co-op students, some in bylaw, we also have some that we hire to assist with summer events at the Strangway Centre and in the parks and recreational program," said Crawford.

He said there are also non-developmental positions.

"It's the largest category. They tend to be in the parks program. We have probably somewhere around 30 positions that we hire students to help us with grass cutting, sports fields, gardening and we hire 11 or 12 in our public works area to help as labourers, everything from road maintenance, to painting, to cutting grass also and assisting with road crews."

Crawford said students hired on the developmental side can return for more than two summers, while students hired for non-developmental positions can only be hired for two summers if their names are selected through the hiring lottery system.

To submit an application or find more information on the jobs, click here.

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