The Municipality of Lambton Shores is moving forward with plans to build a new $6.3 million administration building.
Mayor Bill Weber said it was time.
"Lambton Shores, through amalgamation, is 22-years-old," said Weber. "Currently we're operating out of three different facilities and we have our council meetings in a community centre. So, the last couple councils have been trying to establish a new administration building in a central location in the municipality."
Weber said the 13,000-square-foot building will include council chambers and be located in Northville.
"Many years before amalgamation, Bosanquet had the vision to put in a work shed there. It's where the water tower is in Northville and there's land there that is sufficient to have this building."
An artist rendering of the exterior for the new Lambton Shores administration building. Image by Skinner Architects. Handout.
Weber said it will be nice to have treasury, planning, public works and council under the same roof.
"The efficiencies that can be gained by having everyone in one place for staff, as well as for the general public to be able to go and talk to whether it's the clerk, or a planner, or road people, they'll be in one location and able to serve the community better."
He said solar panels will reduce the amount of energy required to run the building's heating and air conditioning.
"We've designed a net-zero building. It will be energy efficient and great for the next 40 or 50 years down the road."
Weber said site preparation is underway and they hope construction is completed within a year, depending on the availability of supplies.
"There's lots of growth in all areas of Lambton Shores, with new developments and housing, so it's important that we keep up and have a facility that will serve everyone."
An artist rendering of the council chambers in the new Lambton Shores administration building. Image by Skinner Architects. Handout.