30 January 2014. (Photo by Monisha Pushparaj from wikipedia)30 January 2014. (Photo by Monisha Pushparaj from wikipedia)

A celebration of Sarnia's diversity, MAC night at Northern

'Under the Sun, Moon and Stars' is the theme of this year's MAC Night at Northern high school.

The annual event is hosted by the school's student led Multicultural Awareness Club.

Student and club member Safia Deol said there will be several food booths from all around the world.

"We have our regulars of course," said Deol. "Indian and Chinese food, in addition we have food items from Mexico, Germany, Middle Eastern and Pakistan. This year we also have France, Iran, Kazakhstan, Columbia and Brazil."

Student and club member Hasini Jasthi said food sales begin at 5 p.m. and entertainment starts at 7 p.m.

"We have Latin Fire dancers this year, ballroom dancers and African, Spanish and Arabian tunes played by our school band," said Jasthi.

Admission is free, however you're reminded to bring along some money for food.

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