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Dangerously hot and humid conditions prompt heat warning from LPH

Lambton Public Health (LPH) has issued a heat warning for Sarnia-Lambton, the first this season.

Environment Canada said daytime temperatures will reach the mid 30s this week with humidex values in the mid 40s, while much of southwestern Ontario is blanketed in a multi-day heat event.

The national weather agency said overnight lows will hover around 22 Celsius, providing little relief from the heat.

LPH said in high temperatures and humidity, your body may not be able to cool properly which can lead to heat exhaustion or even heat stroke.

Symptoms may include rapid breathing, dizziness or fainting, vomiting and decreased urination that is unusually dark yellow in colour.

“Heat-related illnesses are a high risk for the elderly, children, and those with chronic illnesses,” said Lambton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Karalyn Dueck. “Any individual can be impacted, though, especially if they work or are active outdoors, and it is recommended they take steps to combat the heat and stay cool.”

Outdoor workers should take regularly scheduled breaks in a cool place, and people or pets should never be left inside a parked vehicle.

Residents are reminded to drink plenty of water and seek cool places such as tree-shaded areas, swimming pools, or air-conditioned buildings.

For a list of local cooling centres visit Lambton Public Health's website.

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