Rendering of the proposed Grand Bend community centre (Photo by: The Municipality of Lambton Shores)Rendering of the proposed Grand Bend community centre (Photo by: The Municipality of Lambton Shores)

Lambton Shores seeks funding for new community centre

Lambton Shores is hoping the province will provide funding toward the proposed Grand Bend community centre.

The municipality is looking for the Ontario government to pay about 50 per cent of the project, and has applied for the maximum funding of $10 million through Ontario's Community Sport and Recreation Infrastructure Fund.

Lambton Shores Mayor Doug Cook said council is excited to see the project happen.

"It has been a long time coming. This has been a community driven project right from the beginning and they're the ones that are spearheading this. Council is behind it providing we can get the grant funding, we should be able to move the project forward in a timely fashion," he said.

If funding is approved, the project would have to be completed by early 2027.

Cook said it would be a fast process.

"We pretty much have to get the design and everything done right away to get the project started," he said.

Cook believes the latest to get everything approved would be fall 2025.

The hope is for the municipality to hear about the province's decision at the end of January.

He said the project could cost as much as $20 million.

"It may sound like a large price tag but unfortunately the reality is municipalities are creating facilities [and] when it comes to building community centres and recreation facilities the costs are just escalating all of the time," said Cook.

He said if the community is not successful in getting the funding it will be up to the public on how to proceed.

"To see what their appetite is for additional funding because a lot of this is dependent on getting that grant funding to move forward," said Cook.

The public has been invited to provide its say on the proposed facility and conceptual design through an online survey. It's open until January 31.

The proposed facility will have a public library, a large multipurpose space and an outdoor kitchen space.  

A feasibility study on the project was held and the draft was introduced to council and the public in July 2024.

A web page has been launched with details about the project, including the conceptual designs.

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