A person mows a lawn. (File photo courtesy © Can Stock Photo / Pakhnyushchyy) A person mows a lawn. (File photo courtesy © Can Stock Photo / Pakhnyushchyy)

SLEP accepting applications for Summer Company Program

The Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership (SLEP) giving a leg up to local students who are interested in starting their own business venture.

The Summer Company Program, in partnership with the provincial government, will provide six students up to $3,000 each to launch and manage their own summer businesses.

The initiative has been providing students in Ontario with entrepreneurial experience for 26 consecutive years.

Small Business Enterprise Centre Manager at SLEP Alison Minato said in addition to financial support, successful applicants will receive mentoring sessions.

"They get training and coaching," said Minato. "So, the training focuses on business essentials and making sure they have a good foundation. The coaching is time with myself a local business coach, and a program coordinator. We'll help them work through some of the unique aspects of their individual businesses."

Minato said the program has seen its share of success stories over the years.

"Last year, we had an excellent cohort with a real mix of businesses from people of all ages," she said. "So, we had people as young as 15-years-old starting up lawn care businesses. It was incredible to see what they were able to accomplish in a short period of time. The confidence they had going into the program and coming out of the program was really exciting."

Sami Moussa was a 2024 participant and founder of Forest Fungi.

He said it was made possible with help from the Summer Company Program.

"It gave me the financial support and business training I needed to turn my love for foraging and growing mushrooms into a sustainable and successful business," said Moussa. "The workshops, especially on pricing, were invaluable, and the connections I made were extraordinary."

Students can choose to start almost any type of business, as long as it meets the following criteria:

- Is an independent business venture (not a part of an existing or family business

- Is a sole proprietorship or corporation (where you are the majority shareholder)

- Qualifies as “self-employed” for income tax purposes

- Operates in Ontario on a full-time basis

- Follows government rules for operating a business

There's also an online Summer Company Information Session on Friday, February 21, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Students between the ages of 15 and 29 who are returning to school in the fall are encouraged to apply.

Applications are being reviewed on a weekly basis, and must be submitted by May 17 to qualify.

You can find more information on the Sarnia-Lambton Economic Partnership's website.

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