The first day of spring is still over a week away, but spring-like temperatures are expected this March Break in Sarnia-Lambton.
Environment Canada Warning Preparedness Meteorologist Geoff Coulson said while a high of 15 C Monday is well above normal for this time of year, it's not record setting.
"The normal high for this time of year is only 5 C," said Coulson. "But in looking back at the record books, the current record for March 10th stands at 19.1 C back in 2021, so it looks like the record is safe at this point."
Coulson said we can expect highs around 18 C on Thursday and Friday, however, the records for both those dates are expected to stand with highs around 22 C set in 1990.
Coulson said in terms of March Break weather, it's great.
"When I look back in the last few months, I have to go all the way back to November 6th of last year to find a temperature of 15 C or warmer, so it's been a while since we've seen temperatures like this," he said.
We can thank a big area of high pressure that's dominating the weather pattern right across southwestern Ontario.
Coulson said the above seasonal temperatures are expected to stick around for the rest of the month.
"But it is a good reminder that we can still get very changeable weather during the month of March," said Coulson. "Temperatures can drop very suddenly, we can still get messy mixes of rain, snow and freezing rain at this time of year. So just important for folks to stay on top of the latest forecast."
Spring officially arrives on Thursday, March 20 at 5:01 a.m.