Lambton Works Centre and the Oil Museum of Canada have partnered to host a "fun and engaging night" to help local job seekers gain confidence and improve upon their interview skills through a free workshop.
Lambton Works Program Supervisor Lisa Jacaruso said the one-hour session will include interactive group activities and discussions.
"Finding work in today's job market can be challenging, and we hope to equip local job seekers with the tools and skills they need to be competitive," Jacaruso said. "We will also be highlighting the services provided at the Lambton Work Centre like one-to-one job coaching and job placements for those who are interested to receive further supports after the session."
Jacaruso said the workshop will not be geared toward a specific industry and is designed for young job seekers as well as those reentering the workforce.
"This session is generic and meant to highlight common job search, resume, and interview tips that are applicable to all job seekers," she said.
The skills workshop will be held at the museum on Thursday, March 20 from 7 p.m. until 8 p.m.
Space is limited, with only 25 spots available. Those interested in the workshop can pre-register through the Oil Museum's online calendar.
Door prizes and refreshments will also be available for participants.