Imperial was the winner of the 2025 CANstruction People's Choice Award with their Sarnia Chip Truck (Photo courtesy of Imperial Sarnia Site via Facebook)Imperial was the winner of the 2025 CANstruction People's Choice Award with their Sarnia Chip Truck (Photo courtesy of Imperial Sarnia Site via Facebook)

CANstruction brings in over 31,000 lbs of food for Inn

The Inn of the Good Shepherd is offering its CANgratulations to the winners of this year's CANstruction event at Lambton Mall.

The challenge this year was to build a famous landmark.

Nine teams used a total of 31,500 pounds of food to build their structures, and the items were then donated to the Inn's food bank.

The Inn said over $26,000 was raised through sponsorships and donations for the People’s Choice Award.

Imperial was the winner of the People's Choice Award with their Sarnia Chip Truck.

They received an impressive $3,715 through donations given on site and online.

Their creation used 4,306 rolls of toilet paper, 12,160 diapers, 125 boxes of spaghetti, and 70 cans of tuna.

Other structures the were on display for two weeks included:

- Easter Island created by the Southwestern Ontario YMCA

- Niagara Falls created by Shell

- The Blue Water Bridge created by the FBCL

- Big Ben created by Worley

- A British CANvasion complete with a rotating London Eye created by Pembina Pipeline

- A very leaning Tower of Pisa and the Notre-Dame Cathedral created by CF Industries

- The great pyramids created by Kyle’s No Frills

CANstruction takes place in over 100 communities around the globe with the Inn’s CANstruction regularly ranking in the top 25 builds for food and funds raised.

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