Huron-Kinloss municipal Office 2024. Photo from Huron-KinlossHuron-Kinloss municipal Office 2024. Photo from Huron-Kinloss

2025 Huron-Kinloss budget means 4.75 per cent tax rate hike

The Township of Huron-Kinloss Council has officially approved the 2025 budget, featuring $16.1 million in operating expenditures and $7.9 million in capital expenditures.

After applying revenues and transfers from reserves, the township will levy $11,479,035 — an increase of $675,615, or 6.25 per cent over the previous year.

To meet this funding requirement, the residential tax rate will rise by 4.75 per cent, bringing the rate to 0.00758000. This translates to an increase of $34.37 for every $100,000 in assessed property value for the municipal portion of the tax bill.

With the county and education taxes included, property owners paid an average of $1,377.93 per $100,000 in assessed value in 2024. In 2025, that amount will increase by $58.80 to $1,436.73 — a total increase of 4.3 per cent.

The ongoing province-wide property reassessment, initially scheduled for 2021, remains on hold. As a result, property owners in Huron-Kinloss will see their assessments frozen at 2020 levels unless there have been changes to their properties.

The Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC) reports the average value of a residential single-family home in the township is $266,435.

For additional information, visit the Township of Huron-Kinloss website.

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