Suspect wanted in break-in to London Line business Sept 12. (Photo from Sarnia Police Service)Suspect wanted in break-in to London Line business Sept 12. (Photo from Sarnia Police Service)

City police release photo of break-in suspect

Sarnia police have released a photo of a suspect wanted in connection with a break-in to a business earlier this month.

Surveillance of a suspect who broke into a business in the 2100 block of London Line September 12. (Photo by Sarnia Police Service) Suspect wanted in business break-in on London Line September 12. (Photo from Sarnia Police Service)

The incident happened in the early morning hours of September 12 in the 2100 block of London Line.

Police are hoping someone will be able to identify the male suspect.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Detective Constable Jeff Rovers at 519-344-8861 extension 6159, or Sarnia Lambton Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.

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