Vision Nursing Home Sarnia  (Photo via Google street view)Vision Nursing Home Sarnia (Photo via Google street view)

Another COVID case linked to Vision

There's another case of COVID-19 linked to an outbreak at a Sarnia nursing home.

Lambton Public Health said a 28th staff member at Vision Nursing Home has tested positive for the virus, bringing the total number of cases up to 271.

Since an outbreak was declared at the Sarnia long-term care facility on April 23, a total of 54 cases among residents and staff have been reported and 10 related deaths.

The health unit says 100 of the total confirmed cases in Sarnia-Lambton have been connected to one of seven reported outbreaks at seniors facilities.

The number of recovered cases in the community is unchanged at 233 and the death toll sits at 25.

On Wednesday, Bluewater Health reported that 11 patients who were in hospital are confirmed to have COVID-19, while another 21 are suspected of having it with tests pending.

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