Point Edward sign. BlackburnMedia.ca file photo.Point Edward sign. BlackburnMedia.ca file photo.

Point Edward considers zoning change for residential development

A public meeting will be held in Point Edward next week to go over a proposed zoning change that may result in a new residential development.

The proposed zoning by-law amendment seeks to rezone three sites into a consolidated residential marina zone to allow the development of approximately 156 townhomes.

Village of Point Edward CAO and Clerk Jim Burns said the area is located on Exmouth Street, north of the grain elevators near the Sarnia Harbour, and spans approximately 16 acres.

"They're looking at semi-detached dwellings for the most part, I think four to six units in one building, side-by-side … with a common wall," he said.

Burns clarified a numbered company was interested in the area.

A public meeting to discuss the proposed amendment will be held on Wednesday, June 14 at 5 p.m. in council chambers, located at 135 Kendall St.

Residents who would like to make an oral or written presentation during the meeting are asked to contact the village no later than 12 p.m. on Friday, June 9.

Feedback gathered from the meeting will be compiled by municipal staff for council to review.

"The plan right now is to have a by-law before council on the 27th of June for approval," Burns said.

Should the zoning by-law amendment be approved, Burns said there are still several hoops a developer would have to jump through before a new residential property can take shape.

"This rezoning doesn't give them carte blanche to do whatever they want, they sill have a number of things they have to do... noise studies, traffic studies, species at risk..."

A picture of the zoning area in question can be found below, as provided by the Village of Point Edward.

Proposed zoning by-law amendment area in the Village of Point Edward. May 2023. (screenshot from public notice) Proposed zoning by-law amendment area in the Village of Point Edward. May 2023. (screenshot from public notice)

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