Sarnia city councillor Bill Dennis. Blackburn News file photo by Melanie Irwin.Sarnia city councillor Bill Dennis. Blackburn News file photo by Melanie Irwin.

Integrity commissioner finds Bill Dennis violated code of conduct, recommends pay suspension

Sarnia's integrity commissioner has found that city/county councillor Bill Dennis contravened the code of conduct.

A complaint was made following a meeting on October 16, 2023, which was stopped following a heated exchange involving Dennis in council chambers.

Tensions reignited in the lobby at Sarnia City Hall afterwards, and a confrontation between Dennis and two citizens was captured on video and shared online.

In a 23-page final report, included in council's February 12 meeting agenda, Benjamin Drory recommends a two-day suspension of Dennis' remuneration be imposed for his conduct.

"I believe a nominal suspension of councillor Dennis’ remuneration is appropriate in the circumstances," Drory said. "His conduct in the city hall lobby was a clear contravention of the code of conduct. Councillor Dennis has apologized publicly to the deputant and to the couple that was nearby."

Drory said he didn't find it necessary to judge whether Dennis’ apology -- given during a special session October 27 -- was “genuine.”

"It is sufficient to me that it was voluntarily given, without compulsion," said Drory. "Members of the public can reach their own opinions whether it satisfies them or not. I can state that I am not generally a proponent of forcing apologies. I don’t believe forced apologies are assured of being genuine, and accordingly they fall short of demonstrating public accountability for breaches of the code of conduct. I prefer for respondents to give apologies of their own choosing, if they wish to."

Drory said the decision whether or not to penalize Dennis ultimately belongs to council.

It's not the first time a Sarnia integrity commissioner has recommended Bill Dennis be reprimanded for his behaviour.

Paul Watson recommended council take action in February 2022, after receiving complaints following a meeting in September 2021.

Council decided to take no action and receive and file that report, hoping Dennis had learned from his mistakes and would keep comments to himself in the future.

Watson also recommended Dennis, and two other councillors, have their pay docked for code of conduct violations following a diversity, equity and inclusion training session held in November 2021.

Council voted against his recommendations in July, 2022.

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