Sarnia Police Service headquarters on Christina Street. 2 February 2023. (Photo by Blackburn Media Sarnia)Sarnia Police Service headquarters on Christina Street. 2 February 2023. (Photo by Blackburn Media Sarnia)

Sarnia police officer pleads guilty to Police Services Act charges

A Sarnia police officer has pleaded guilty to two counts of discreditable conduct under the Police Services Act.

It's in connection to an off duty incident Lambton OPP investigated in July 2023.

Cst. Sean Van Vlymen has been demoted from 1st to 2nd class constable for a period of nine months which carries a pay reduction of an estimated $20,668.

He was convicted of careless driving, which prompted an internal disciplinary investigation by the Sarnia Police Service.

"The Sarnia Police Service remains committed to swiftly and transparently addressing any complaints and concerns within our lawfully available legal frameworks," said Sarnia Police Chief Derek Davis. "Policing is a complex and high-risk profession. As human beings, officers will make mistakes, and in rare circumstances make decisions that result in court or PSA action being necessary. In all circumstances, we are accountable for our actions and any appropriate disciplinary action that may be necessary. It is also important to remember all the other civilian and sworn members of the Sarnia Police Service who continue to professionally serve the public every hour of every day, often in difficult and challenging circumstances."

Van Vlymen is on paid suspension from the police service.

When an officer is suspected of or charged with an offence or misconduct, a suspension is possible.

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