Sarnia City Hall. October, 2023 Blackburn Media photo by Melanie IrwinSarnia City Hall. October, 2023 Blackburn Media photo by Melanie Irwin

Sarnia council briefs

Council accepted a $358,618.24 tender submitted by Sev-Con Paving for a multi-use trail at Wiltshire Park.

The project includes installation of an asphalt multi-use path through Wiltshire Park, including benches, landscaping and a formal pedestrian crossing to the residential area at Banbury Avenue.

Wiltshire Park and HWNT Asphalt Multi-Use Pathway Project Limits. Photo courtesy of the City of Sarnia. Wiltshire Park and HWNT Asphalt Multi-Use Pathway Project Limits. Photo courtesy of the City of Sarnia.

It also includes paving a section of the Howard Watson Nature trail that was identified in the scope of work for the Rapids Parkway extension.


Active Transportation and Safety Improvements were approved in the Wellington, Brock and Vidal Streets area.

Council directed staff to complete the proposed raised cycle track lanes on Wellington Street from Brock Street to Victoria Street.

As well as complete the proposed intersection safety improvements with curb bump outs and lane reductions at the intersections of Wellington and Brock Street and Vidal Street.


A recommendation to implement pedestrian enhancements and traffic calming measures near Tecumseh Park, including reducing the speed limit to 40 kilometres an hour on Russell and Palmerston Streets was given the green light by city council Monday.

A 50 km/h speed limit is currently posted for the roads adjacent to Tecumseh Park, though a community safety zone on Russell Street extends to the intersection of Russell and Ontario Streets.


Council awarded a $859,835.11 tender, to Titan Group Construction Inc., to redevelop the baseball diamond at Tecumseh Park.

The project includes a new backstop, fencing and a new LED field lighting system.

Drainage and irrigation is also a significant part of the project, which will see the field receive a new clay diamond surface and sod once underground work is complete. 


Sarnia council meetings will continue to begin at 1 p.m.

Councillors went against the Procedure By-Law Review Committee's recommendation of moving the sessions to 10 a.m.

In late 2022, council agreed to pilot a 1 p.m. start time for regular council meetings for a period of one year.

Throughout the pandemic, regular council meetings started at 10 a.m.

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