The Bluewater Anglers is holding its annual open house at the hatchery in Point Edward this weekend.
"The purpose of the open house is to show people how we raise fish so we can release them into our water here. We have Rainbow Trout, we have Brown Trout, and we have Chinook Salmon that we raise here," said Spokesperson Ross Bishop.
The not-for-profit organization then releases fish into the upper St. Clair River and lower Lake Huron.
The free open house events will be held both Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m.
Bishop said he's hoping to see a good turnout this year.
"Last year, we had a very good turnout. I'd say about 200 people, maybe 300," Bishop said.
Refreshments, including hot dogs, will be available to buy (cash only) during the open house events.
"We're also going to have some draw prizes," said Bishop.
He said tickets will be drawn at 3 p.m. on Sunday, and prize winners will be called.
Attendees will also be able to register for the Bluewater Angler's annual Kids Training Day, scheduled for May 31. The springtime event will focus on fishing techniques and boat safety.
The hatchery is located at Waterfront Park, near the end of the parking lot.