The second mural in downtown Petrolia (Photo by: Town of Petrolia)The second mural in downtown Petrolia (Photo by: Town of Petrolia)

Downtown Petrolia brightened up with new murals

The second of three planned murals has been installed in downtown Petrolia.

It represents the town from 150 years ago and celebrates the recent anniversary last year.

The mural was completed by Windsor artist Sarah Robbins and installed on Friday, March 14.

Director of Marketing, Arts and Communications Laurissa Ellsworth said it's a historical lookback.

"We pulled together some images of the downtown from about one hundred years ago and beyond that included three Polaris," she said.

The mural will be on display on the south side of the Petrolia Home Hardware at the corner of Petrolia Line and Eureka Street.

Ellsworth said this mural is made completely different than the first one.

"This one was hand drawn and then they used a computer program and it's printed and then stretched onto metal panels, so it was completed elsewhere and delivered," she said.

Ellsworth explained the first mural was spray painted and the third one is hand painted on wood panel.

In 2023, a revitalization survey was completed and the outcome was the town create a more interesting walkable space.

Town staff decided to use public art and create murals.

Ellsworth said they felt there was something missing in the downtown.

"The thing we thought we were missing was more of that cultural piece and something that speaks to residents and visitors even when our businesses and our merchants are closed and when the theatres are not operating there is still that cultural experience that tells our story," she said.

Last spring, the first mural was hung on the east facing wall of the Red Apple at the corner of King Street and Petrolia Line in spring 2024.

This mural is a postcard offering Greetings from Petrolia by Toronto artist Blaze.

Ellsworth said the mural has had positive feedback from the community.

"They love how bright it is, they love the location and how welcoming, they met the artist as he completed it on site," she said.

The final mural is expected to be installed this spring on the east side of Total Hair and Body Care and will share the message shop, dine and discover Petrolia.

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