Lambton College Open House. File photo courtesy of Lambton College.Lambton College Open House. File photo courtesy of Lambton College.

Lambton College to host spring open house on Saturday

Lambton College will highlight some new courses at its spring open house on Saturday.

Enrolment Advisor Brady Chambers said there is a "bunch of new programming for people to check out."

"Agricultural Automation Technician is a really neat one, that gets into the technologies involved in vertical farming and sustainable farming," said Chambers. "We have a whole slew of new business programs, like business marketing, human resources, sustainable agriculture. These are all some really high value programs that give you a lot in a very short period of time."

Chambers said the event has been carefully curated to give future students the opportunity to discover what life as a Lambton College student is all about.

"It's really anybody's best day to come see what Lambton's all about. We have a ton of fun events happening," Chambers said. "Every single faculty coordinator is going to be out representing their program, in their program areas. You can tour their labs, speak with them about what it might be like to learn inside their program and [learn about] careers that might come afterwards. We have prizes to be given out and drawn off."

Chambers said every attendee who registers at the door will be entered for a chance to win free tuition and if you haven't applied yet, Lambton College will cover the $150 application fee at the open house.

"We have events happening at our main campus, our residence, inside of all of our on campus out buildings -- [like] our event centre and skilled trades centre -- and at our fire school as well on Lasalle Line. We'll have an info session out there at 12 p.m. and student tours running all day where you can see one of North America's largest live field fire training facilities," he said.

The event on March 22, runs from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. with special shuttles to transport students to the residence or the fire school if interested.

"We get students who travel from all across Ontario. We've had people travel from 13 to 15 hours away, just to come see us at open house," said Chambers. "So, it really is a special day. Lambton has done a fantastic job of putting themselves on the map as a destination school. We will have lots of people from Sarnia-Lambton and we're also going to have lots of people who made quite the trip to come down with their families and we want to make this day really special for everyone."

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