A young skater waves a Sarnia Sting flag prior to puckdrop.  21 February 2022. (Metcalfe Photgraphy)A young skater waves a Sarnia Sting flag prior to puckdrop. 21 February 2022. (Metcalfe Photgraphy)

New Sting community fund takes flight

The Sarnia Sting are looking to do more for the community that supports the OHL club.

The organization recently announced the launch of Sting Assists, a not-for-profit organization that aims to support the area through a range of initiatives.

Community Fund President Cam Gordon said they've amalgamated the operations of Friends of Sarnia Minor Hockey into the new group.

"The goal and the reason why the community fund was established was to help enhance the community work that can be done in the Sarnia-Lambton area," said Gordon. "We've had numerous volunteers throughout the years, whether it's been Friends of Sarnia Minor Hockey -- they've been such crucial components to the success of the donations made to our community groups -- and we are just broadening the scope of that."

Gordon said the main objective is to invest back into the community.

"We're going to do this through the promotion and support of amateur sports and minor hockey in the Sarnia-Lambton region. We'll also do this through advancing education, through community scholarships and in-school programing."

Gordon also mentioned community ticket initiatives and providing support for community groups and agencies, including $15,000 to the Community Dressing Room Project.

"Our focus is on supporting the community that continues to support the Sarnia Sting. So, the Sting Assists was built on best practices in sport, community and philanthropy with a made in Sarnia-Lambton approach."

Gordon said Sting Assists is always looking for volunteers and additional members to support the team.

For more information, email info@StingAssists.ca, or visit the group's Facebook or Twitter.

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