Bluewater Gymnastics 2023 Blackburn Media photo by Melanie Irwin.Bluewater Gymnastics 2023 Blackburn Media photo by Melanie Irwin.

Lease agreement reached with Bluewater Gymnastics Club

After over a year of negotiating, it appears the City of Sarnia and the Bluewater Gymnastics Club (BWGC) have finally settled on a lease agreement.

Mayor Mike Bradley said Sarnia council will be asked to approve it on Monday.

"There has been an agreement reached, and at the same time we're also negotiating with girls soccer hoping to reach an agreement with them with those two facilities," said Bradley.

Bradley said the agreement with BWGC is a win for both parties.

"They have done a great deal for the community. It's so positive to invest in young people. This is an agreed to lease, we had an outside expert give us market value for the facilities, and they've agreed to those numbers," he said.

Unlike 20-year deals made in the past, Bradley said this contract is for five years and has renewable clauses.

"They are paying what they say they can afford and which we believe is the market value. So, this gives us a chance to take that money, because that money would go back into the facility, so that it can be improved as the years go by," Bradley said.

If approved, the city will receive just over $8250 each month, amounting to nearly $100,000 in revenue each year.

The club was previously paying the city about $25,000 a year for rent and maintenance [utilities not included].

The city and BWGC first entered into a lease for a portion of the Lottie Neely Park Road building in 2003. 

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