Tents by the swings at Rainbow Park, May 16, 2024 (Photo by: Lindsay Newman/ Blackburn Media)Tents by the swings at Rainbow Park, May 16, 2024 (Photo by: Lindsay Newman/ Blackburn Media)

Trespass notices to be issued at Rainbow Park

Sarnia council has approved a revised homeless encampment protocol, with plans to keep modifying it in the future.

The new protocol gives Sarnia police the authority, on behalf of the city, to implement the Trespass to Property Act that's required to enforce the document. 

Mayor Mike Bradley encouraged city councillors to take the action following a lengthy discussion during Monday's regular meeting.

"Pass it today, so at least there's something on the record to work with, and then amend it as necessary," Bradley said. "So, if you have amendments -- there's been a few suggestions here -- just fire them in and then we can put it into the next document."

The protocol was adopted in a 6-3 recorded vote, with Councillors Terry Burrell, Bill Dennis and George Vandenberg voting against the recommendation.

Councillor Burrell called the document "incomplete" and said it didn't include solutions for citizens adversely affected by the sites.

"I am quite concerned that this response protocol doesn't seem to take a look from the community's point of view," said Burrell. "It all seems to be geared to helping and assisting the people who are in the encampment, and sort of defines how the city, and the county, and various other agencies will be working in this."

Burrell added that the protocol didn't cover the impact on commercial businesses either, highlighting land to the west of Rainbow Park, where an established encampment abuts active railway infrastructure.

"The commercial part can also be the businesses, seniors' home, and other things to the north, and other businesses that may be affected to the south," Burrell said.

Councillors Dennis and Vandenberg reiterated safety concerns, calling again for the encampment -- just west of Christina Street between Johnston and Devine Streets, to be removed.

"We've gone around, and around, and around with this thing and it's got to stop," Vandenberg said.

Sarnia police have advised they require a court order to dismantle the established encampment at Rainbow Park.

Mayor Bradley said he would ask for the County of Lambton's position on applying for an injunction at county council's September meeting, after council rejected a call to obtain one in June.

Councillor Anne Marie Gillis asked staff to identify suitable sites for the people at Rainbow Park to go. "We need to know what public land is available that we can relocate the folks at Rainbow Park to another location that meets with all of the protocol that we have created," Gillis said.

City council voted unanimously in favour of issuing trespass notices to those living in the established encampment and staff have been instructed to post official 'No Camping' signs in every municipal park immediately. 

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