Sarnia Police headquarters on Christina Street. 2 February 2023. (Photo by Blackburn Media Sarnia)Sarnia Police headquarters on Christina Street. 2 February 2023. (Photo by Blackburn Media Sarnia)

Facilities Master Plan to be established to address Sarnia Police needs

A joint project team has been given the go ahead by the Sarnia Police Service Board to explore options for police facilities.

In May 2023, the board approved conducting a needs study.

The facility at 555 Christina Street North was opened in 1987 before the amalgamation with Clearwater Township in 1990.

It is believed as the building continues to age, the maintenance costs are expected to increase.

The reports have found that the two facilities, the Sarnia Police headquarters and the Police Tactical and Academic Training Centre, do not meet the needs of the police service.

A Building Condition Assessment done in 2023 revealed there are approximately $4,434,000 worth of outstanding repairs that need to be completed.

It also found the current headquarters building lacks several critical facilities and is too small for current operations, expansion and lacks parking spaces for staff.

"We're not looking to exceed or have anything fancy, there's certainly no desire for a Taj Mahal or anything like that we want to ensure that we deliver adequate and effective services to our community and that we can provide the services that they expect," said Police Chief Derek Davis.

Next the board is sending the report to the joint police facilities team where they will decide on viable options for sustainable police facilities.

Davis said there will be large conversations with the city.

"The city is ultimately responsible for funding, planning and it would be a large capital project," he said.

Davis also said he's happy there will be an informed conversation.

"I don't know what the outcome will be but our job is to inform our board and our board has clearly informed our civic partners and then I look forward to all those stakeholders coming together and hopefully working out whatever solution might be mutually agreeable to everyone," he said.

The joint team will start looking at solutions immediately and a master plan will then be created.

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