Sarnia Bay. Blackburn Media file photo.Sarnia Bay. Blackburn Media file photo.

New fish habitat being built at Sarnia Bay

Work continues on the creation of a new fish habitat at Sarnia Bay.

General Manager of Engineering and Operations David Jackson said the project is an outcome from the new Cestar dock being built as part of the oversize load corridor.

"So that new dock encroaches out into the water and as part of that project we had to complete an environmental assessment and get permits from the federal department of fisheries," said Jackson. "So through that process, because we're encroaching out into the water, we determined that we needed to provide a habitat somewhere else. So, the bay was chosen as a good location for that."

Jackson expects the work to wrap up by the end of October, or early November.

"They've been out there for a couple of weeks now. So it's a relatively quick project," he said.

Jackson said about 1,400 square metres of fish habitat is being installed.

"Essentially, they're placing different size rocks and stones in the water," he said. "After those are in they will send a diver down who will install plantings. The design was intended to support local species that are identified as at risk or endangered."

Kehoe Marine Construction was awarded the $500,000 project in September.

"It's included in the overall oversize load corridor budget and so there are grant funded components of it," Jackson said.

The $8.2 million Cestar dock expansion at Sarnia Harbour is expected to be completed by the end of 2023.

With files from Natalia Vega

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